I've been a passionate developer for almost (officially) 15 years, with a particular interest in GIS (Geographic Information Systems), data visualization, and a few lapses into serious games and UX design.
I easily cross the sometimes overly technical boundaries of my work to invest myself in the more business-oriented aspects of the projects I'm involved in.
It's precisely this quest that has led me to accumulate a number of "experiments" over the years - projects aiming at being instructive and fun. Rather than keeping them on my hard drives, I thought it would be more interesting to show and talk about them here.
And outside from work? I'm also passionate about cartography, music composition, self-hosting and card games - so it's likely that some of my experiments have something to do with all that.
I'm always for new assignments on these subjects, so if you've got something for me or want to find out more, here are my resume, my LinkedIn page, et my Malt profile.